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Спасибо за пост: 1 Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #1 Добавлено: 9 сентября 2008 01:36    


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Смотри: у каждого монстра есть два состояния: нормальное и рэйдж мод.
Рэйдж мод - это когда монстр бьёт больнее и появляются новые приёмы.
Как я понял у тебя проблемы с рэйдж модом. Он тя убивает либо прыжком с электризацией, либо крик+ что-нибудь ещё. Верно?
Лучше всего идти с чем-нибудь с фаер уроном (я убивал с катаны, лука, молота).

С катаной такая тактика:
Норм. мод:
Бьёшь когда:
а) он пускает электро шары по земле (подходишь сбоку и делаешь небольшое комбо)
б) он либо нюхает, либо после прыжка встаёт
в) после электризации (учти, он может электризоваться несколько раз подряд)
Рэйдж мод:
то же самое, но в 10 раз осторожнее.))

Если видишь, что он встал на месте и ничего не делает, а потом резко улетает - пора его ловить.

С молотом аналогично, но бёшь либо полным чарджем (жмёшь R и ждёшь вспышку на молоте) или три треугольника.

С луком делаешь так:
бегаешь где хочешь и стреляешь в него или стоишь в 1 локации на самой высокой площадке, и ждёшь его, когда прилетает просто расстреливаешь всем, что есть (очень важно держать дистанцию от края, т.к. он может задеть, особенно в рэйдж моде).
Рэйдж мод:
вряд ли у тебя есть High Grade Earplug так что стоишь на том же островке и дальше стреляешь (помня о дистанции до края).

Катана: качаешь Bone -> Large Bone -> Bone Katana "Wolf" -> Bone Katana "Shark" -> Bone Katana "Dragon" (если можешь);
или Iron Katana -> Iron Katana "Grace" -> Iron Katana "Gospel" ->
Eagle Cleaver (если можешь) -> Devil Slicer (после кезу);
Молот: War Hammer -> War Hammer + -> War Mace -> Iron Striker -> Iron
Striker + -> Anvil Hammer(если можешь) -> Onslaught Hammer(после 4HR);
Лук: Kut-Ku Stave I (чем больше цифра, тем лучше).

Сообщение отредактировано 9 сентября 2008 01:40. Редактировалось 4 раз(а)
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #2 Добавлено: 7 сентября 2008 02:58    


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Да нет, не плохо бы тактику на Акантора выложить, а то я уже с ним замарался.
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #3 Добавлено: 30 августа 2008 13:12    


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Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #4 Добавлено: 27 августа 2008 02:07    


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А можно пожалуйста поподробнее? А то мы уже задолбались его гасить, а он последний перед гаореном и акантором.
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #5 Добавлено: 26 августа 2008 17:58    


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А как и с чего валить блэк гравиоса на г-ранке вдвоём?
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #6 Добавлено: 10 июля 2008 22:27    


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Ни оружие, ни броню передавать нельзя :( Вещи выше 3 Rare тоже.
Апгрэйд - делай квэсты, получай 4 HR, там что-нибудь да появится.

Добавлено спустя 12 минут 1 секунду:

Вот ответы на 99% ваших вопросов:

[1] FAQ
[2] Walkthrough on the Basics
[2.1] Don't rush in.
[2.2] Be prepared.
[2.3] Choose the right weapon.
[2.4] Choose the skills you'll need.
[2.5] Don't be greedy.
[2.6] Use your noodle.
[3] Armor and Weapons
[3.1] "What's a good armor set when starting out?"
[3.2] "What are better armors when advancing the Elder Ranked Quests?"
[3.3] "What armors do you recommend for HR4 and above?"
[3.4] "What are some weapons I should get?"
[4] Pokke Farm, Ruststones, and Items!
[4.1] "What is Pokke Farm?"
[4.2] "What are Ruststones and where do I find them?"
[4.3] "Where do I find...?"
[4.4] "When does my Monster drop shiny items?"
[5] Elder Quests
[5.1] Elder *
[5.1.1] Hunt the Carnivore
[5.1.2] Sinking Feeling
[5.1.3] Slay the Blangos
[5.1.4] Urgent: The Carnivorous Leader
[5.2] Elder **
[5.2.1] Reckless Bulldrome Hunter
[5.2.2] Jungle Menace
[5.2.3] Rarest of the Rare Beasts
[5.2.4] Liver of Legend!
[5.2.5] Urgent: Shadow in the Snow
[5.3] Elder ***
[5.3.1] Blango Slaying Tactics
[5.3.2] The Lurking Desert Giant
[5.3.3] Gypceros: The Venomous Terror
[5.3.4] A Killing from Mushrooms
[5.3.5] Urgent: The Ruler of the Snow
[5.3.6] Optional: Water Wyvern in the Desert
[5.4] Elder ****
[5.4.1] Battle of the Blos
[5.4.2] Basarios: Unseen Peril
[5.4.3] Commander in Flames
[5.4.4] More Coal Please
[5.4.5] Urgent: Absolute Power
[5.4.6] Optional: The Lone Black Garuga
[5.4.7] Optional: The Frozen Dictator/The Elder Dragon of Wind
[5.5] Elder *****
[5.5.1] The Poison Siege
[5.5.2] The Runaway Diablos
[5.5.3] Ultimate Crab Dinner
[5.5.4] Terror of the Gravios
[5.5.5] Urgent: Troublesome Pair
[5.5.6] Optional: The Legendary Kirin
[5.5.7] Overseer of Ancients/The Empress' Blazing Throne
[5.5.7] The Elder Dragon of the Mist/Towards the Silence
[5.6] Urgent Quests
[5.6.1] A Sun with Fangs/Emperor of Flame
[5.6.2] A State of Crisis
[5.6.3] The Final Invitation
[6] Hunter Rank
[6.1] 3* Guild Quests
[6.1.1] Giadrome Assault
[6.1.2] The Land Shark
[6.1.3] The Lurking Desert Giant
[6.1.4] The Mischief Maker
[6.1.5] Urgent: Blangonga
[6.2] 4* Guild Quests
[6.2.1] Master of the Giant Lake
[6.2.2] Evening Hermituar Sonata
[6.2.3] Pincer through the Sky
[6.2.4] Trouble in the Forest
[6.2.5] The Ioprey Leader
[6.2.6] Urgent: Tigrex
[6.3] 5* Guild Quests
[6.3.1] The Runaway Diablos
[6.3.2] Valor in the Swamp Zone
[6.3.3] The King's Domain
[6.3.4] The Queen's Descent
[6.3.5] Urgent: Shen Gaoren
[6.4] 6* Guild Quests
[6.4.1] The Poisoned Fang Duo
[6.4.2] Ultimate Crab Dinner
[6.4.3] Trapped by Yian Kut Ku
[6.4.4] Conga Counterattack
[6.4.5] Urgent: Lao Shan Lung Draws Near!
[6.5] 7* Guild Quests
[6.5.1] Two Roars in Snow
[6.5.2] Red Shadow in the Swamp
[6.5.3] The Underwater Terror
[6.5.4] Slay the Rathalos
[6.5.5] Basarios: Unseen Peril
[6.5.6] Urgent: Land of Tremors
[6.6] 8* Guild Quests
[6.6.1] The Fierce Black Horn
[6.6.2] Black Rock of the Swamp
[6.6.3] Blue Sky, Pink Earth
[6.6.4] Silver Rathalos
[6.6.5] Gold Rathian
[6.6.6] Urgent: Shen Gaoren
[6.6.7] Urgent: Akantor
[7] Online: The Do's and Don'ts of Xlink Kai
[8] Where you find Wyverns
[9] Strategies, Additional Information, ect.
[10] Things I'm going to add...
[11] Credits

[1] FAQ

"I have a few questions for you..."

Q: Will this guide make me a better Monster Hunter?
A: No. Close this window... Yes of course read on.

Q: What is Monster Hunter?
A: Monster Hunter is an adventure game created by Capcom. You are a Hunter in
a world full of monsters. In order to fight off these creatures you forge
armor, through fishing, mining, combining items, creating weapons, and making
gems to further enhance our armor. We do this because we want to become
Monster Hunters.

Q: How does the gameplay work?
A: The game itself is entirely mission based. You take Quests from the village
Elder at first, then when you become stronger you tackler the harder quests
available at the Guild Hall. You choose your armor from Gauntlets, Tassets,
Mails, and Boots; each item is customizable so you can mix and match whatever
you want. With a plethora of weapons ranging from Lances, Gunlances, Bows,
Swords and Shields, Dual Swords, Greatswords, Longswords, Bowguns, Hammers,
and Hunting Horns; it's a hunter's life for me.

Q: How hard is this game?
A: Hard. Very Hard. This guide will help you deal.

Q: Will what you teach me make my game easier?
A: Who knows? You can't MAKE the game easy. This guide teaches strategies to
take on different wyverns. Not everything is covered, but most of it and in
great details. Just read on.

Q: Do I need to play the first MHF?
A: No. Monster Hunter Freedom does not have a storyline. Now quit asking!

Q: I started a new game, why is it giving me an error?
A: Don't worry, this is normal. It's informing you that there is no save data
yet to be created on your memory stick.

Q: How do I change my avatar's name/gender?
A: Note: The following requires Custom Firmware and CWCheat.

Name Change (requires CWCheat) posted by auslander:

Sex Change (See Above) Posted by auslander:
It is important that you have run-able CWCheat!!
Add below lines on MHF2 US games section of cheat.db file in
sepluginscwcheat folder.

_C0 Gender to Male
_L 0x010C3855 0x00000000
_C0 Gender to Female
_L 0x010C3855 0x00000001

This is for EU users.
_C0 Gender to Male
_L 0x010C4B55 0x00000000
_C0 Gender to Female
_L 0x010C4B55 0x00000001

You can see the changes, when character's armor is changed.
Do not change gender and open character info (which is activated by start menu)
when he/she wears male, or female only armor.

Q: I'm a beginner, what weapon should I use?
A: Read "Choose the Right Weapon."

Q: What is the best weapon?
A: Read "Choose the Right Weapon."

Q: What are Decorations?
A: Gems that attach to your armor that give you skill points. When you have
met the requirements to activate the skill it will add to your "Status" screen.

Example: You have Hermituar Armor. The helm gives you 1 point, the torso armor
gives you 1 point, the gauntlets give you 2 points, the tasset gives you 2
points, and the greaves give you 2 points (these aren't the actual stats I'm
just using this for sake of clarity.) You have a total of 9 Skill Points
applied to Guard however you need one more skill point to activate the skill.
What do you do? Each piece of armor has slots for a Gem from one slot to three.
Most armor pieces have at least one slot. If we make a Guard Gem and attach it
the Hermituar armor, that makes a total of 10 skill points and the skill Guard
activates. Got it? If not don't worry, it's simpler then it sounds.

Q: What are Secret Areas?
A: They are places that allow you to collect special items. However they are
only available during HR4+ Quests and only on the Snowy Mountain, Desert,
Swamp, and Volcano maps. You can't find them normally; instead you must start
there at the beginning of the mission. The chances of this happening are 3%.
However the Felyne Explorer Whim skill can make that 100%.

Q: What are Treasure Hunts?
A: They are quests that involve collecting items in order to gain points. The
more points you gain, the more that transfer over to Pokke Farm after. Usual
Treasure Hunts involve teaming up with more then one person to 'farm' for
materials and items to deposit in the supply box. You kill monsters and
collect various items that you wouldn't normally find in regular missions.
They all add up to points down the road, the rarer they are, the more points
they're worth.

Q: Where do I get (Insert Coin Here?)
A: Coins can only be acquired when beating a Training quest. The school is
located near the Guild Hall to the left. These coins unlock a special type of
armor called "Black Belt," the Training Instructor is wearing a full set of

Q: What's the difference between Guild Hall and Elder Quests?
A: Elder = Solo
Guild = Group

Many solo the guild hall quests as well in order to challenge themselves. If
that isn't your thing, then see next question.

Q: What is Xlink Kai?
A: Xlink Kai is software that allows you to communicate with other players
across the world. However you need Wifi Max (or any wireless usb unit) in
order to do this, since there is no online mode.

Their site: //

[2] Walkthrough on the Basics

"I'm a beginner to Monster Hunter. And it's hard..."

Let me give you some tips on how to defeat any Wyvern/Monster.

[2.1] Don't rush in
Monster Hunter is about anticipating your opponent's next move. In this case
the Wyvern itself. Each Monster has a subtle 'tell', or the lack of a 'tell'
that shows you what the Wyvern will do next. Don't rush in. If the monster is
about to use a move and you're stupid enough to NOT notice it then why are you

[2.2] Be prepared.
Items you get from the Supply Box don't last forever. In your long career of
Monster Hunter you will need to use everything at your disposal. The beginning
Elder Quests shows you what you should already be carrying. Some of those
things include the basics.

There are Potions ranging from First Aid to Max Potions. In many situations
you can get by with Potions and Mega Potions. Obviously, these are to restore
your health. Unless you have Gluttony Skill don't eat these during a fight. Or
else you'll end up losing more then you gain. If you need a Potion, retreat,
then eat.
Potions = Herb + Blue Mushrooms
Mega Potions = Potions + Honey

Paintball is the basic tracking system. It can be replaced by Autotracker and
the skill is necessary for Chameleos however you'll use Paintballs till then.
Paintball allows you to track a Wyvern by throwing it at them. You label them
and are able to track them into other areas. This is useful when you weaken a
Wyvern. That Wyvern will go to a designated Area to sleep and restore health.
The Elder Dragons are the exceptions of this rule; they simply retreat into
another area.
Paintball = Sap Plant + Paintberry.
Psychoserum = Buy from Old Lady (Shows monster location for a few seconds.)

~Traps & Tranq Bombs~
Stun/Pitfall Trap is always a must for most Wyverns. Those exceptions are the
Elder Dragons like Kirin, Fatalis, Akantor, Teostra, Lunastra, and the
others. The Elder Dragons cannot be captured like most Wyverns.

Wyverns have a 'tell' for when they are close to death. Most Wyverns limp,
like Yian Kut Ku, Gravios, and Rathalos. Some monsters will show signs of
weakness like Daimyo Hermituar will ooze purple bubbles from the mouth. Moving
on, when that monster exhibits the 'tell' or flees to the designated area it
will most likely fall asleep.

Travel to that area (sometimes they will move from one point to another and
eventually to the designated point. For example, Rathalos moves to Area 4
before moving to Area 5 to sleep.)

Tranq Bombs are your best friend when it comes to capturing Wyverns. You need
these in order capture them, how does it work? When you make it to the
designated Area you'll see the Wyvern/Monster taking a snooze. No, don't wake
them yet. First, we clear the area of other monsters (make sure you don't wake
the monster up during your extermination.) Then set up your trap. Which will
you use? Certain traps work and others don't on different monsters. Most
however are susceptible to Stun Trap. Next, we wake the Wyvern. Kick him;
throw a stone/paintball/whatever to get its attention. Lure that monster to
your trap and let if fall. When it's trapped throw two Tranq Bombs. That's it.
Stun Trap = Genprey Fang + Trap Tool
Pitfall Trap = Net + Trap Tool
Net = Spiderweb + Ivy
Tranq Bomb = Tranquilizer + Bomb Material

1. Weaken Wyvern.
2. Watch it fly to the 'sleep Area.'
3. Follow Wyvern.
4. Give it a few seconds to fall asleep in 'sleep Area.'
5. Enter Area.
6. Set up Trap near Wyvern, preferably right in front of it.
7. Wake Wyvern.
8. Have Wyvern rush into Trap.
9. Throw two Tranq Bombs at Wyvern.
10. Congratulate yourself, you just captured a wyvern!

Why would anyone go to this much trouble? One, it's not as complicated as it
sounds; and two; you get better rewards for capturing then slaying.

~Combination Books~
Combo Books in particular are vital. See that little menu tab that says
"Combination" whenever you press start? This is how you turn Honey and Herbs
into Potions and Mega Potions. Genprey Fangs and Nets into Stun Traps and
Pitfall Traps. There are a total of five in the set. The more combination
books you have in your inventory at the time you combine materials, the less
likely the combining would fail.

We need these whenever a need comes up. Say you want to bring more then one
Stun Trap with you, but your inventory only allows you Stun Trap. Well, here's
a thought, why not bring the materials? This is no secret; most good hunters
bring these items with them on Quests. With Combo Books, you'll be able to
have a more successful combination. Note that for most combinations, you will
need only Combo Books 1, 2, and 3. You will use Book 4 only to make Lg Barrel
Bombs+ during the missions you want to use them.

Combo Books 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 = All available at the shops. The more quests
you beat the more books that appear.

~Attack Enhancers~
Attack Boosters are a fickle thing. Power Seeds, Mega Demondrugs, Power Pills,
Powercharms, and Powertalons all increase your attack power to almost demonic
levels. Defense Boosters work in the same way. Late in the game you'll find
yourself hankering for that expensive Powercharm from the Guild Hall shop. We
arrive at "Stacking." Stacking means simply stacking Attack or defense items.
Some items cannot add to your attack power as long as the effect of one other
item is still in play. These types of items increase your attack/defense
certain amounts, here is an example of stacking those items:

Felyne Attack Boost "Small" = Equivalent of Demondrug (+3x)
Felyne Attack Boost "Large" = Equivalent of Mega Demondrug (+5x)
Power Seed or Demon Flute (+10x)
Power Pill (+25x)
Powercharm (+6x)
Powertalon (+9x)

{Demondrug or Mega Demondrug} (+3x or +5x)


{Powerseed/Demon Flute or Power Pill} (+10x or +25x)


{Powercharm} (+6x}


{Powertalon} (+9x}

Defense works the same way; Just replace Demondrug with Armorskin, Power Pill
with Armor Pill, ect.

It's nice to carry at least a Power Seed every once and awhile. There is no
downside to stacking, so why not try it?
Power Seeds = Buy from Old Lady, if your frugal why not plant them in Pokke
Power Pill = Immunizer + Power Seed
Demondrug = Catalyst + Power Seed
Mega Demondrug = Demondrug + Pale Extract.
Immunizer = Catalyst + Dragon Toadstool.
Catalyst = Buy from Old Lady.
Armor Seed = Buy from Old Lady.
Armor Skin = Armor Seed + Catalyst.
Armor Pill = Armor Seed + Immunizer.
Mega Armorskin = Armor Skin + Pale Extract.

~Stamina Restorers~
Stamina Restorers are basically food. What kind of food do Monster Hunters eat?
Nothing special, just meat. How it works is that you harvest Raw Meat from
non- boss creatures, like Mosswine, Popo, and Apceros. You can cook them using
a BBQ Spit, or take them back to your Felyne Kitchen and have your chefs take
care of it. Note though, the lower the level of the Felyne cooking your Raw
Meat; the more likely you'll end up with Rare or even Burnt Meat.

Why does one do this? Heck, it's to get your Stamina bar up. This is extremely
important because when Guarding, or Running, or just about everything requires
stamina. If you're stamina goes to zero, it will turn red and you will be
unable to run, Wyverns will be able to break your Guard, you won't be able to
Charge for very long with your Hammer, it makes it harder if not impossible to
roll. If you don't care for those things...why are you playing?
Raw Meat = Carve from Monsters listed in the above or buy from Old Lady.
Rare Meat = Cook with BBQ Spit and pull out meat early.
Well-Done Steak = Cook with BBQ Spit and pull out just as meat turns dark.
Gourmet Steak = Cook with BBQ Spit and pull out at the right time.
Mega Juice = Well-Done Steak + Power Extract (allows infinite stamina for
short time.)

~Cool Drink & Hot Drink~
Cool/Hot Drinks are as important as anything. Be sure you know which Map
you're going to. If you're going to the Desert or Volcano, take a Cool Drink.
Going to the Snowy Mountains or an area that's just plain cold? Take a Hot
Drink. If you don't you take Heat Damage, or Cold Damage. Heat Damage slowly
drains your Health, while Cold Damage takes away your Stamina.
Cool Drink = Buy from Shop.
Hot Drink = Buy from Shop.

~Flash & Sonic Bombs~
Flash and Sonic Bombs are your tools against the worst of Monster Hunter.
What's the difference between these two? Flash Bomb sends out a large flash
that temporarily confuses the Wyvern/Monster, incredibly useful against Tigrex,
Rathalos and even Akantor. By confusing your enemy it'll use random attacks or
taunt; neither of which are aimed for you. This gives you time to strike!
Sadly, we're limited to 5; also, using Flash Bombs is considered "cheap" and
"broken." If you're a beginner who is just trying to get by anyway you can,
then don't listen to them. They developers wouldn't make Flash Bombs so
obtainable if they considered it "cheap."

Sonic Bombs act differently. Mostly, they are used to draw out enemies like
Plesioth or Cephadrome out of the water/sand. Throw them at Yian Kut Ku and
he'll freak out. They can't damage them; only enable you to damage those
enemies. Thankfully, you get a max of ten of these making Cephadrome Hunting
(which you'll need to do for Piscine Liver) too easy.
Flash Bomb = Flashbug + Bomb Material
Sonic Bomb = Screamer + Gunpowder

~Barrel Bombs~
Barrel Bombs come in three types; Small Barrel, Large Barrel, and Bouncing
Barrel Bombs. You won't use Bouncing Barrel Bombs very often, but the first
two a lot. Small Barrel Bombs are the ignition to Large Barrel Bombs; the
method is that you plant a Large Barrel Bomb and then a Small Barrel Bomb.
Because of the fact that Large Barrel Bombs do not ignite on their own, you
need to plant a Small Barrel Bomb or ignite it some other way using your Bow
to shoot it or throw something from Paintballs to Tranq Bombs.

Why is it that many suggest using Large Barrel Bomb +? One, it does a heck of
a lot of damage on its own. Two, when combined with the proper strategy it can
be deadly. Deadly. They are a favorite against Fatalis, Rajang, and many
others. It's because they do a fixed set of damage, which is increased with
the Bomber Skill. Without a doubt bombing has become a fun alternative to
regular hack and slash.

Whetstones are eternally useful for the ever dulling weapon. The more you use
your weapon, the more wear, tear, and rust it takes. A whetstone (for some
reason) magically fixes this when used. The sharper your weapon, stronger it
is, plus you'll be able to pierce a Wyvern's hide easier the stronger the
level of your sharpness is. Specifically, this weapon is for Blademasters as
Bows and Bowguns don't have sharpness.

Summary: A normal endgame inventory looks something like this.
Combo Book 1
Combo Book 2
Combo Book 3
10 Potions
10 Mega Potions
5 Cool/Hot Drinks
10 Well-Done/Rare/Gourmet Steak
5 Flash Bombs or 10 Sonic Bombs or both
99 Paintballs
3 Psychoserums
Stun Trap or Pitfall Trap
8 Tranq Bombs
99 Genprey Fang or 10 Net

Optional for Bow users:
Power/Stun/Poison/Sleep Coating (Depending on what your bow can handle.)
99 Empty Bottle (for combing with the below.)
20 Nitroshroom (for Power Coating.)
10 Toadstool (for Poison Coating.)
10 Stunshrooms (for Stun Coating.)
10 Sleep Herbs (for Sleep Coating.)

Optional for Blademasters:
10 Whetstones.

[2.3] Choose the right weapon.
The above says it all. But let's explore this. Believe it or not choosing the
right weapon isn't exactly critical. Why? I believe that any decent weapon
type can take down any Wyvern/Monster. We just haven't found a good enough
I wouldn't even dare to suggest that Iron Dagger could be used to take down
Fatalis (even the good weapons take at least 40 minutes.) Most people tend to
take the advice of the first person who says it's easy. It may have been easy
for them, but what about you? You are NOT them.

Experimentation is fun if you know the weaknesses of your weapon and how to
compensate for it. For the longest time, I was convinced that the only way to
beat Monster Hunter was to use Longswords and Longswords only. Because of that
I lost a lot of variety on my way to HR 6. I neglected precious weapons and
only now I'm catching up. Never limit yourself to one weapon type. Why? It
gets boring. You may not agree with using a Lance against a Garuga or Demon
Dancing a Tigrex. For all you know it could be fun. Or not.

There are weapons however that make fights so much easier. Such as using
Onslaught on Silver Rathalos, or Bowing a Gravios to death. And they do, make
the fights much easier. Let me ask you though, is there a weapon type that
could do better?

[2.4] Choose the skills you'll need.
We adore skills lovingly. No; it's not just the fact that you know the exact
moment to dodge an oncoming Rathian fireball. I'm talking about armor skills.
Whether they be something as simple (yet efficient) as increased
health/stamina/attack/defense or Reckless Abandon which adds affinity. Skills
are the Hunter's bread and butter and heck; it's almost the entire meal. We
sacrifice the fact that our armor looks like it belongs in the trash to
obtained needed skills (I mean Tigrex Armor, it's fugly.)

So what the most useful skills? Lucky for you I have a list:

~Blademaster Skills~
High Earplugs (Hearing Protection) - Prevents Wyvern Roar from working.
Autotracker (Psychic Vision) - Monster shows up on map.
Sharpness (Artisan) - Adds visible weapon sharpness
ESP (Fencing) - Prevents weapons from bouncing off.
Sharp Sword - Weapon sharpness decreases less.
Reckless Abandon (Expert) - Adds weapon Affinity.
Sharpening Skill Inc. - Sharpen a weapon 5x faster.
Fast Eating (Gluttony) - Food is eaten quicker.
Adrenaline (Potential) - Boost ATP/Def when Health is low (Adrenaline +1 only
adds Defense.)
Wind Press - Negates Wyvern Winds.

~Blocking Weapons~
Guard Up - Blocks unblockable attacks such as Gravios Beam.
Guard - Reduces damage from Stamina/Damage/Pushback.
Auto-Guard - Automatically guards if possible.

~Gunner/Bow Skills~
Speed Fire - No reload for new ammo type, increases the charge of Bow.
Recoil - Decreases the recoil from Bowguns, Bows are not effected.
Loading - Adds an additional bullet slot, enables Bow fourth level charge.

There you have it. But how do we sort this all out? I mean what armors have
these skills and what Gem/Armor combinations optimize these skills to their
fullest? Links? You bet!


[2.5] Don't be greedy.
I guarantee the main reason you're having trouble with a Wyvern is that you
don't care enough to hold back. You need to hone your instincts when it comes
to attacking Wyverns. Instincts like knowing when to attack and when to stop.
Always be aware that you have only a small window of time to attack said enemy
based on the weapon you have before they counter.

Say that you are facing a Yian Kut Ku, and that Yian Kut Ku does a taunt. A
taunt is where it will stand around doing nothing. Eventually, you'll gain a
sense of how long it does this after witnessing it a few times. Also you must
note that the timing will be off when Yian Kut Ku is in rage mode. Which means
you must analyze two sets of the same attack. Since every monster has rage
mode, you'll always need to do this. Luckily for the human mind it's not has
hard as it sounds.

Don't be greedy with your attacks. Don't ignore that little bell going off in
your brain telling you to dodge. Attacking too much doesn't solve anything;
Monster Hunter is not supposed to be a game where you trade blows. YOU are
supposed to be attacker, not it. YOU are supposed to dodge its blows, not
endure them. If you attack too much, you run the risk of getting hit. And to
be honest, it's not the end of the world. Just remember this simple rule.

The battle will end faster the less you get hit.

Why? Because when you get hit you need time to recover from the blow, take a
minute to heal or else risk dying...and so on. In all seriousness it's not
that vital, but it is faster, just a bit. So remember to time your attacks and
then dodge or block in order to avoid damage.

[2.6] Use your noodle.
I would have used "Don't be an idiot" but that would have sounded negative.
Basically, you want to stop acting like a Noob, a beginner, a complete dunce.
This is done by research. Where are your targets favorite Areas? What map are
you going to and will you need something extra (Hot Drink, Cool Drink,
Pickaxe?) You need to face a Gravios in order to unlock the next Elder Quest
Rank? Go on YouTube a watch a few videos. What are his attacks? What's his
weakness? What works best? Will this work better? Should I bring Pitfall or
Stun Trap? Should I bring a Cool Drink/Hot Drink?

You want to be prepared. That's what I'm trying to tell you. If you don't
exploit every single factor that this game allots then you're bound to fail.
Visit Pokke Farm, use Felyne Kitchen before every mission, and go out of your
way to combine items before a mission. Check out the "..." over the people
heads often, they have something to say to you. Go that extra mile to obtain
Power Extract so you can make Mega Juice and use during the Fatalis fight. If
you don't, you'll be sent shuffling back with the words "QUEST FAILED" etched
on your screen.

[3] Armor and Weapons

[3.1] "What's a good armor set when starting out?"

~Battle Armor~
When first starting I used Battle Armor until I beat YKK (Yian Kut Ku.)
Sped through the Elder 2* Quests using Kut Ku Armor. Kut Ku Armor ain't the
best looking, but the extra attack power appeals to beginners.

~Ceanatuar Armor~
An excellent armor set comes from the skills that they bring to the table.
Ceanataur Armor provides Sharpening Skl Inc and Sharp Sword which can be a
lifesaver for weapons that dull too easy.

~Hermituar Armor~
Hermituar is for starting Lancers and Gunlancers. It offers Guard +1 which can
reduce stamina and health damage.

~Blango Armor~
Blango Armor is useful when fighting enemies in Cold terrain. A full set can
get you Cold Reduced by Half, Snow Resistance, Quake Resistance (good when
facing Shen Gao Ren.)

~Tigrex Armor~
Tigrex is for more advance armors and requires a little fine tuning before
actually using it. For a Blademaster, Tigrex armor provides Autotracker, Quick
Eating, and if you have the right decorations Earplugs. However, despite all
these good traits you'll have to deal with Demonic Protection, and your fugly

[3.2] "What are better armors when advancing the Elder Ranked Quests?"

~Monodevil Armor~
Monodevil Armor is a great addition to anyone's armory. If you're diligent
enough, you can hunt them for the Monoblos Heart. Believe me it's worth the
skills you get. (Loading for Gunners, and Expert for Blademasters.)

~Kirin Armor~
I found Kirin Armor useful for two reasons. One, once you get the hang of
slaying Kirin, the armor is really easy to make. And two, Elemental Attack Up
and Autotracker skill really helped during the Elder Dragon fights.

~Death Stench Armor~
Three letters, ESP. With ESP, we can pierce the hide of any monster without
the worry of it bouncing back. I found Death Stench armor highly useful for
this reason. Plus, it looks really cool. How do we get it? We're limited to
Death Stench Cloths delivered by Trenya the traveling Felyne. Trips to the
Desert (for 500 points I believe) take a mission to complete (with the
exclusion of gathering quests) so be sure to have a lot of points to send
Trenya on trips.

~Rathalos Soul~
Rathalos Soul is possibly the best armor for Elder Rank Quests. With Earplugs,
Expert and a great attack boost it's always worth going out of your way to
make it. Plus, it doesn't look half bad.

The armors listed above are also best used for the starting Guild Hall Quests
until you get to HR4.

[3.3] "What armors do you recommend for HR4 and above?"

~Ceanatuar S/U~
Ceanataur Helm S, Ceanataur Mail U, Ceanataur Vambraces U, Ceanataur Tasset S,
Ceanataur Greaves S. Why? Because with combination it makes for an astounding
armor set that lasts throughout the rest of the game. It is possibly one of
the best all around offensive armors which rivals that of Rathalos Soul U
Armor. This set requires you pack a few gems here and there but when you
finish, the Ceanataur becomes a magnificent addition to your armory.

~Borealis Armor~
Borealis Armor set is one of the best Gunlancer/Lancer sets in the game. With
Guard +2, Guard Inc included, Lancers will drool over this set. Also, for male
characters it doesn't look half bad.

~Tigrex S~
Tigrex S is optional but useful nonetheless. Especially if you want Earplug
for your Blademaster/Gunner. Literally, Gunners need Earplugs to stave off
Gravios roars. That with Autotracker makes for a delightful set.

~Rathalos Soul U~
Rathalos Soul U is one of the best and easiest (easy when you compare it to
Akantor, Fatalis, and Rajang fights) to get. Both sets have Hi-Earplug, Expert,
and upped Attack. Most definitely the most useful armor in-game, get it.

~Silver Rathalos Armor~
Silver Rathalos Armor is great for a few reasons. One, with the right Gems,
you could turn it into an exceptional Lancer set. What makes this armor so
appealing is the skill ESP which allows ones weapons to not bounce back.
Combined with Guard Gems it has potential to be fierce armor.

~Akantor Armor~
Akantor Armor, though difficult to get, has the best all around skills for the
game. Including Artisan, Expert, and Earplug skills; there is not much else to
say about this set.

[3.4] "What are some weapons I should get?"

On that long road to becoming a Monster Hunter, it's nice to have a quick
cheat sheet of some of the best weaponry available. While this list is far
from complete, this is the bread and butter of a Hunter's Armory.

+Eternal Strife (SnS) (see Ruststone) - A fabled weapon used against Elder

Weapon Path: Rusted Sword -> Tarnished Sword -> Eternal Strife

+Onslaught Hammer (Hammer) - Easily, the best in-game Hammer and easiest to

Weapon Path: War Hammer -> War Hammer + -> War Mace -> Iron Striker -> Iron
Striker + -> Anvil Hammer -> Onslaught Hammer

+Sakura Bell (HH) - Earliest Dragon weapon, that's it.

Weapon Path: War Hammer -> War Hammer + -> War Mace -> Iron Striker -> Iron
Striker + -> Anvil Hammer -> Sakura Recorder

+Devil Slicer (LS) - Often called broken, the Devil Slicer is a very common
and easy to make Longsword. It's okay but often overestimated. Try to limit
its usage.

Weapon Path: Iron Katana -> Iron Katana "Grace" -> Iron Katana "Gospel" ->
Eagle Cleaver -> Devil Slicer

+Gun Chariot (GL) - A Gunlance of superior quality. Armed with the Dragon
Element, it can take down Ankantor with gusto.

Weapon Path: Iron Gunlance -> Iron Gunlance + -> Steel Gunlance -> Special Ops
Gunlance -> Imperial Gunlance -> Silver Rook -> Gun Chariot

+Sandman Pike (SnS) - Used against Rajang in order to put him to sleep; we
could upgrade it to High Sandman Pike but it's not necessary. Sandman Pike is

Weapon Path: Bone Kris -> Bone Kris + -> Chief Kris -> Weary Finsword ->
Sandman Finsword -> Sandman Pike -> High Sandman Pike

+Diablos Chaos Broker (Hammer) - Runner up for best Hammer of all, bad
affinity can easily be fixed with reckless abandon. Slightly stronger then

Weapon Path: Bone Club -> Cyclo-Hammer -> Atlas Hammer -> Kut-Ku Jaw -> Kut Ku
Pick -> Hard Bone Hammer -> Hard Bone Hammer + -> Diablos Hammer -> Diablos
Chaos Broker

+Ankantor Bow (Bow) - One of the best bows, mostly used as a Fatalis killer;
constructed solely from Akantor parts.

Weapon Path: Akantor Bow

+Glorious Victory (Bow) - The better bow after slaying White Fatalis; gotten
from White Fatalis parts.

Weapon Path: Glorious Victory

+Smolder Dragonsword (LS) - Dragon Element Longsword considered to be one of
the best Longswords.

Weapon Path: Bone Blade -> Bone Blade + -> Bone Katana "Wolf" -> Bone Katana
"Shark" -> Bone Katana "Dragon" -> Fire Dragonsword -> Red Dragonsword ->
Smolder Dragonsword

+Azure Ogre Sword (SnS) - Best Dragon Elemental SnS In-game.

Weapon Path: Flaming Pair -> Crimson Lotus Blades -> Blue Ogre Sword -> Azure
Ogre Sword

+Siegmund (GS) - Best Raw Greatsword.

Weapon Path: Bone Blade -> Bone Blade + -> Bone Slasher -> Golem Blade ->
Golem Blade + -> Valkyrie Blade -> Spartacus Blade -> Siegmund

+Ultimus Heaven & Earth (DS) - Best Dragon Elemental Dual Sword.

Weapon Path: Black Sword -> Double Dragon -> Dual Dragon Ultimus -> Ultimus
Heaven & Earth

+Eternal Schism (DS) - Second best Dragon Elemental Dual Sword, but much
easier to obtain.

Weapon Path: Worn Blades -> Weathered Blades -> Eternal Schism

[4] Pokke Farm, Ruststones, and Items!

[4.1] "What is Pokke Farm?"

Pokke Farm will be a major contributor when it comes to collecting materials.
In the beginning however, you'll need a lot of Pokke Points in order to make
it into something.

As for the best method of acquiring them, I did well just farming Coal and
bringing back Sootstones from the Volcano Map (during Day Gathering Hall Quest
of course.) But check out Boldrin's Pokke Farm FAQ listed on the Resources.

So what can we farm from ole Pokke Farm? Is it really worth taking a few
minutes out of each mission to farm for some Ores, Bugs, Plants, Fish, Honey,
and whatever? Yes. Those Ores help you forge most of your weapons, especially
at the beginning where weapons like Paladin Lance need many Iron Ores and
Machalite. The bugs can be used for future weapons and armor, especially
Orbitor and Butterfly armors later on. The Fish are an easy way of getting
Spear Tuna for a GS, Scatterfish to combine with Large Barrel Bombs, and Small
Goldfish to...just sell. From the Fields, you can plant Herbs, Power/Armor
Seeds, Red/Green Seeds, and get back Fire Herbs, Dosbiscus, and Dragon Seeds.

[4.2] "What Are Ruststones and Where Do I Find Them?"

Earliest Way: Best way is to, buy every kind of Pickaxe available, and buy a
Few Cool Drinks.

We will begin our search starting at Elder 4* Gathering Volcano quest.
1. Start in Area 4* which has two Mining points.
2. Move onto Area 5* which has two more Mining points.
3. Next go to Area 6* has two more and the 'pile of charcoal' which is used to
retrieve Sootstone.
4. Dash to Area 8* which has three Mining points but watch out for Felynes.
From here on you can follow this path until you find the Ruststone you're
looking for.
5. You want to move from Area 4, to 5, 6, then 8. Rinse and repeat until you
get your Ruststone.

If you don't want to find them now, I suggest farming them off of Lao later.

+Ruststone - Demonlock
+Ancient Stone - Island of the Gods
+Flat Ruststones - Greatsword
+Small Ruststones - Sword and Shield
+Ancient Flat Ruststones - Greatsword
+Sm Ancient Ruststones - Dual Swords
+Lg Ancient Stone - Hammer
+Ancient Stone Rod - Spear
+Large Ruststone - Hammer

The Ruststone Method, borrowed from Croda's guide, involves the practical
method of obtaining the "Ruststone Weapon." You see when one obtains a
Ruststone; it doesn't automatically mean we get the "Ruststone Weapon." There
is a fixed digit hidden somewhere that tells us this. It changes every-time we
either make a Ruststone into a weapon (not a "Ruststone Weapon" but a normal
weapon made from the Ruststone) or return from a mission. Are you with me so
far? Since we're not in the business of throwing away a perfectly good
Ruststone (at least I'm not) we're going to try going on a mission.

When we return from that mission (hopefully you saved...) try making the
Ruststone into something. It's different right? If it's not the "Ruststone
Weapon" you're looking for then reset and go on another mission. Rinse and
repeat. Notable Ruststone Weapons, Eternal Strife. A Dragon Element SnS that
makes the Elder Dragons (Teo, Luna, Cham, and Daora) on the Elder Quests a lot

[4.3] "Where do I find...?"

Note: Not all things are listed here; in fact, I've barely scratched the
surface. This is a quick list of obtainable items for reference. If you can't
find what you're looking for check the FAQ's.
+Vibrant Pelt - Congalala; just break its face with a fire weapon and be
+Thunderbug Juice - Remobra slaying quests at the tower, in Area three there
are glowing bugs that attack you. I find firing Gunlances at them gives you a
better chance of them dropping some.
+Monster Bone + - Beat the Remobra slaying quest (Elder 5*) and sometimes get
one as a reward. Now stop asking!
+Commendation - Beat the Shakalaka slaying quest and sometimes they are a
+Ceanataur Claws - You have to break it's claws during the fight to get any.
+Electro Sac - Khezu, Red Khezu (drops more,) Khezu Whelp Quests.
+Flashbugs - Buy them from Old Lady, or Gold Hammer at Bug Tree and Area 9 in
Forest and Hills.
+Rare Scarab - Insect Thicket +3, Bug Tree after upgrade.
+Piscine Fang - Defeat either Cephadrome or Plesioth.
+Large Monster Bone - Plesioth, Khezu, or trade Battlefield Jewels to Jungle
+Medium Monster Bone - Yian Kut Ku.
+Ancient Fish - Casting Machine which you get after beating "Troublesome
+Giant Bone - Bulldrome, Congalala.
+Expand Pickaxes - Battle Training with Kirin, Gravios, Diablos, Los, Rajang,
Special Training, and Treasure Missions.
+Carbalite Ore - Mining Upgrade +3.
+Rare Scarabs - Volcano Gathering in Area 2 (G-Rank), Forest and Hills 1 and
+Novacrystal - Mining in the Swamp, Mining Point +3, Kill Gypceros (G-Rank.)
+Elder Thank You + - Get to HR 4.
+Speartuna - Randomly found in Jungle Fishing spot (Elder **.) Making Frozen
Tuna GS the strongest obtainable weapon without fighting, however it lacks
+DragonWood/Moss - Trenya is the only one who can get these for you. Chances
are Rare, but the more points you spend the better the chance.
+Khezu Whelps - In the swamp they are by some grass in Area 7. As for the
Snowy Mountains, you can find them by entering Area 8 and finding your way to
a small crawlspace near the entrance to Area 6. If you manage to find that,
you'll drop down and climb up to find the skin of a dead Wyvern. Use a pickaxe
to mine Khezu Whelps. Word of warning; Khezu Whelps drain health as long as
you carry them.
+Sinister Cloth - Trenya again.
+Pale Bone - Khezu.
+Union Ores - Mining Upgrade +3.
+Black Pearl - Daimyo Hermituar, or Guild Jungle Gathering in Area 10 (1st
area left to the camp.)
+Flame Sac - Yian Kut Ku, Rathalos, Rathian, and Trenya.
+Inferno Sac - Rathalos, Azure Rathalos, Gravios, Black Gravios (G-Rank)
+Great Hornflies - Bug Tree, Insect Thicket +1.
+Monster Fluid - Old Granny, or Vespiod (Poison with Poison Bomb.)
+Dragonite Ore - Volcano Gathering quest, not as reward but the area is packed
with Dragonite.
+Light Crystal - Send Trenya to the Swamp, break Gypceros head crest, G-Rank
Swamp Mining.
+Master's Skull - Forest and Hills in the floors of Area 5 (G Rank.)
+Gastronome - A rare drop from a Melynx (the black cat.)
+Fire Dragon Powder - Teostra (G-Rank.)
+Lost Umbrella - Found in Secret Area of the Desert.
+Felyne Ruby - Found in the Secret Area of the Desert.

[4.4] "When does my Monster drop shiny items?"

+Yian Kut Ku - Use a Sonic Bomb.
+Cephadrome - Sonic Bomb out of the sand.
+Gypceros - Carve while playing dead.
+Rathalos/Rathian/Gravios - Wake them up.
+Basarios - Make him pop out of the ground.
+Diablos/Monoblos - make them get their horns stuck.
+Daimyo Hermituar/Shogun Ceanataur - Let them finish eating.
+Congalala - Attack his tail.
+Khezu - Drops from his dangling acid attack.
+Tigrex - When he gets his teeth stuck in the wall.
+Plessy - Fish him out.
+Chameleos - Sonic Bomb while he is attacking.

[5] Elder Quests

"The Elder Quests are tough, any tips?"

Here we are the bulk of the guide. You need to understand that I will only be
covering the important quests that advance you or quests that cover a new

[5.1] Elder *
[5.1.1] ~Hunt the Carnivore~
Mission: Slay 5 Giaprey

The Giaprey are found in Areas 5, 6, 7, and 8.

[5.1.2] ~Sinking Feeling~
Mission: Deliver 3 Popo Tongues

Popo's are those Yak-looking docile monsters. Kill three or more of these to
acquire three Popo Tongues.

[5.1.3] ~Slay the Blangos!~
Mission: Slay 3 Blangos

Instead of Giaprey they've been replaced with Blangos. They appear in Area 8.

[5.1.4] ~Urgent: The Carnivorous Leader~
Mission: Slay the Giadrome.

Despite what you think, this isn't an easy fight despite the fact that it's
just a Giadrome. One, it's pretty darn fast and if you bring a sluggish weapon
you'll find yourself having a difficult time. Try a SnS, Longsword, Bow,
Bowgun or Dual Swords for this mission. Literally, any weapon can bring down
Giadrome, but you have something that allows you to dodge quickly.

Giadrome travels between Areas 6, 7, and 8. And he's pretty quick about it. In
every area now there are Giapreys lurking. What you want to do is kill all the
enemies in Area 6 and wait for the Giadrome to rear its ugly head. It should
be only you two at this point making the fight a good one on one. Now we can
attack with whatever weapon we choose.

Follow the "Don't be Greedy" section at this point. Now after you've weakened
Giadrome considerably (he won't show it but he will flee the area in the midst
of battle) you go for the kill. Once you've got it corner in the next area be
quick to finish him off because I guarantee there are more Giaprey waiting on
the other side.

[5.2] Elder **
[5.2.1] ~Reckless Bulldrome Hunter~
Mission: Hunt the Bulldrome

Bulldrome is hard sucker for beginners. For experts like me...he's pretty
annoying still. Ah, the best weapon you ask? Anything, seriously, a Hammer
does best with me. One, his head is basically the only body part other then
his backside. And two, I love to see him flip over with the stars above his
Any speedy weapon will do, however I don't recommend using a Bowgun or a Bow.
Bulldrome tends to 'get-in-your-face' a lot because his only attack is tackle.
Besides, using a melee weapon is just more convenient.

You encounter in the cold mountains in Areas 6, 7, or 8. Just pick an Area,
clear it, and wait for Bulldrome to walk by. When he's close to dying he'll
flee the area in the middle of battle. Pursue him and finish him off.

[5.2.2] ~Jungle Menace~
Mission: Hunt the Yian Kut Ku

Lo and Behold gentlemen and lady gamers, the wall. In runner terminology the
wall is the barrier you can't get past. Yian Kut Ku is the first Wyvern you
encounter and he is the wall. Why is he so hard? Because people don't care
enough to memorize its attacks. So care. Fast.

SnS's are very balanced when Kut Ku fighting. Hammers/Hunting Horns are also
pretty awesome because our maneuverability with them is equal to that of an
SnS. If you can time it right, you could seriously damage it before it
realizes what happened. You can't cut off its tail so Greatswords aren't as
needed here. Longswords are okay, they aren't nearly as good as a Greatsword.
As for range, it's very possible to Gun or Bow him.

*If you're using SnS, aim for the head and attack with Triangle, Triangle, X
unless you have more time. Let your instincts decide this.
*Greatswords should be handled carefully. Regular attacks take a while to
execute, but if you catch it in a good place you can either use a Charge blow
or a quicker Circle, Circle + Square Combo.
*So Hammers are your thing? Charge, charge, charge! When it does a non-rage
mode taunt you can try Triangle, Triangle, Triangle combo on him.
*With Bows bring Power Coatings and whatever the bow you have allots you. With
Bowguns, bring whatever shells you can combine/buy. Tranq Shots are useful for
capturing Yian Kut Ku.

Where are Lancers/Gunlancers? I use them often when I farmed for Yian Kut Ku
armor. But should you use them? I don't think so. For one, it has a pecking
attack that can seriously deplete your stamina Guard. Lancing it is probably
the hardest thing to do. It needs good timing, and a careful planning.

Yian Kut Ku's elemental weaknesses include ice, water, and thunder. Its
Breakable Parts are the ears and beak. A Yian Kut Ku ear will be extremely
useful for Earplug Gems in the not-so-far-off future. Flash Bombs, Stun Traps,
Large Barrel Bombs, Small Barrel Bombs, and Sonic Bombs all work on Yian Kut
Kut. He's is perhaps the most versatile Wyvern in weaknesses because he's
vulnerable to everything.

Armorwise, bring Battle Armor. Decent defense with a small attack boost makes
for an easier and fun fight. It can be bought from the Felyne armor salesmen
for a fair price. It makes for excellent beginning skills. Now that we're set
it's time to head over to the Jungle.

By default Yian Kut Ku begins in Area 3. So head over there are wait for him
to fly to either Area 1 or 5, both are next to the camp. It's up to you. Now
that we've found him let's battle him. Here is a small list of his attacks.
It's up to you to decide how you counter it.

Yian Kut Ku will spit a fireball at you; his "tell" is that he jerks his head
upward and almost immediately spits a flaming ball of fury out. It is block-
able no matter what, and easy to dodge. Sometimes when fighting in an Area
with other monsters the fireball can lock onto them. This Fireball travels in
a single line and not very far before disappearing.

Peck Attack:
In a split second Yian Kut Ku will launch his body forward with his head held
high and peck at the ground like a chicken. Sometimes he will turn to face you
and try a Peck Attack the second time. This covers more range then a fireball,
don't get hit. As long as you're not greedy with your attacks you'll do fine.

Tail Whip:
Yian Kut Ku spins its tail around. This is a sort of anti-melee move in order
to force you to roll away from him. And it works. If you block this, you'll be
pushed back a good amount and chances are you won't be able to block the
second tail whip or you'll lose a lot of stamina doing it (though it recharges
right away.) Just roll.

Yian Kut Ku will scratch the ground and cry softly. This is a perfect time to
attack. You have at least a second to attack him, so go crazy before he
recovers. This might be a good time to throw a Paintball at him or a Sonic
Bomb even a Flash Bomb if needed. Set up a Stun Trap, Pitfall, seriously, he's
all yours for a single second.

Backward Brush:
As the name states, the Yian Kut Ku will brush the ground stirring up some air
and if you were close enough get knocked back. Its wings will expand and mouth
will open emitting a non-damaging scream. It does this to create distance
between you and itself, it might be preparing for another round of pecking or

Rage Mode:
Yian Kut Ku will jump up and down with fiery smoke coming out of his mouth.
When he activates this mode he can use other attacks. His movements will
become much faster and less predictable. His damage would increase as well.
Remember for all Wyverns there are two sets of movements you must memorize,
normal mode and Rage mode. There are few exceptions to this rule.

Yian Kut Ku will rush at you with the fury of thousand generations of wyvern
inbreeding. Now is the time to tackle, this is a bad blow and he can run
across the field all the way from the other side to get to you. Find a way to
avoid this. I for one, decided to put away my weapon and Lunged for it (R + X)
bringing a few moments of invincibility. He recovers quickly, and as should

Yian Kut Ku will shoot many fireballs out of his mouth at random. It sounds
less threatening then it actually is. He will dump them in a left-right
interval as shown below. By advised, if you are anywhere near the path of
assault that fireball will hit you (duh.)


X = Yian Kut Ku
/ = Path of assault
O = Where it lands

Okay, so my diagrams suck. Theoretically it's possible to attack Yian Kut Ku
down the middle, however the closer you are the better chance you have of
getting hit.

Sonic Bombs are actually more effective then Flash Bombs. See those hulking
ears? They aren't just for decoration. Yian Kut Ku is extremely vulnerable to
noise. A single Sonic Bomb can knock it into a daze. Its head will remain
aloft meaning you can't hit it. Instead use this opportunity to lay down some
Bombs or just aim for the legs. Got a Hammer? Triple Pound. Got a Greatsword?
Charge it. Flash Bombs confuse the daylights of a Yian Kut Ku. Meaning in this
dazed state it's entirely possible to execute a few charge attacks from a
Hammer or run through him with a Triangle + Circle Lance Charge.

I've told you all the secrets of Yian Kut Ku. It's up to you know. Use all the
skills to defeat Yian Kut Ku, Be prepared. Don't be greedy. And choose the
right weapon for you.

[5.2.3] ~Rarest of the Rare Beasts~
Mission: Hunt the Congalala

Congalala isn't that much a challenge, the again he can be annoying to those
who don't know what they're doing. Here we put what we learn about Yian Kut Ku
into Congalala. Don't get greedy, be prepared, and don't for god sakes be an
idiot when it comes avoiding his attacks.

You rarely want to stay directly in front of a Wyvern for very long.

Congalala has a triple-swipe combo that you need to watch out for. It covers a
lot of ground. Speaking of ground, Congalala falls to the ground often which
causes the ground to shake. This is the "Quake" effect. Also he roars.

So where do we aim for? The head, but didn't I just tell you not to stand in
front of him? So what are we supposed to do? Timing for one. There is a small
window of opportunity between every attack that you can attack the head. For
Congalala I use a SnS and usually go for the legs but the head is most

Congalala has two status attacks, Sleep Breath which he uses seldom, and Fart.
Yeah, he blows a gas bomb. Don't look too surprised, it's a primate after all.
You already know the effects of being put to sleep would have, what happens
when you're farted on? You gain a smelly status that makes it impossible to
use certain items, it acts like being frozen but you can run and use weapons.
Use Deodorant to heal this but I'm going to say this again as this is the only
you're going to get it.

We want to focus on avoiding damage altogether.

To finish up, as long as you avoid its butt and its front (only go near to
attack) you'll survive another day.

Longswords are also an easy choice. They have good range and they are as fast
as a SnS. Remember to follow the same rules, don't be greedy with your attacks.
Time how fast your weapon swipes and the earliest time you can roll away.

Congalala starts in the Jungle of Area 3. So let's start our search there.
Sometimes Congalala runs to Area 5, or Area 9. So if you moved a little later
then you should have and don't find him in Area 6, then try those areas. Now
that we find him, once again, check for other monsters in the area and try to
eliminate them. I believe they are either Ceanataur or Hermituar or Conga.

During your fight, eventually Congalala's butt will turn a shade of red. How
do I know this? Before you call me a creep, this is the only way to tell if
Congalala has gone into Rage Mode. All his attacks heighten to a degree; he
will become faster and stronger.

When Congalala is weak he will limp for several seconds and then flee to Area
6. Follow it and capture. Congrats!

[5.2.4] ~Liver of Legend!~
Mission: Deliver 3 Piscine Livers

Bring Sonic Bombs and Small Bombs then go Area 2 of the Desert. Throw a Sonic
Bomb at those fins swimming across the floor to bring them to the surface.
These are Cephalos. Cephalos are mean shark-looking sonavaguns that quickly
retreat back to their sandy pool. It's your job to kill them before they jump
back in. Bring your favorite weapon, Raw or Thunder or Ice Element will do.
Follow the same rules as you would a normal Wyvern. Don't underestimate their
size, they pack quite a punch if you become careless.

If they jump back into the sand use another Sonic Bomb to bring them out. Take
advantage of the moments you have and attack them while they flop around. If
you run out of Sonic Bombs use Small Barrel Bombs. How they work is that you
lay a Bomb near a Cephalos Path. They have a set pattern where they swim. If
you memorize this pattern you can time when to plant a Small Barrel Bomb.

Once you kill a Cephalos carve its body and hopefully you should receive a
Piscine Liver. If not kill as many Cephalos as you need to. If you get really
good at it, you can collect more then the required amount for extra Pokke
Points. Don't linger too long here; there are easier ways to get Pokke Points.

[5.2.5] ~Urgent: Shadow in the Snow~
Mission: Hunt the Khezu

This is Khezu. And yes, we all hate Khezu. Why? One, no breakable parts. Two,
he's slow and looks like he belongs in a horror game. And three, his "Electric
Coat" attacks are almost laughably unfair. Go with any strong Bowgun or Bow.
You could try him with a SnS (make sure it has Fire Element.) Make sure you
have some kind of protection from his roar attack (preferably a Bowgun with a
shield.) When you're at the best, precede to Area 6, 7, or 8. These are
Khezu's territory. Sometimes he'll appear in Area 1 which is...weird because
I've never seen any other Wyvern go to that place (with the exception of
Kushala Daora.)

Paintball that sucker; Khezu has this habit of changing areas for no reason.
Also note that Khezu is especially slow when flying to a new Area. This may be
a good time to memorize where he is about to land. Then think about what I
said about Large Barrel Bombs...see the opportunity? Especially with a Bowgun,
you can shoot the bomb from afar just as Khezu is about to land. If you
decided to use a blade then throw a stone/paintball.

Ordinary melee combat with Khezu should act something like; Triangle, Triangle,
X. It's tough to predict what this creepy worm is about to do next so we
become cautious. With the Bowgun we get a little more latitude. We can shoot
him up all we want; it's just not going to be as effective unless we apply all
the Large Barrel Bombs to the equation. Bowguns do a little less damage, just
a little.

*Aim for the legs if you're using a Blademaster Weapon.
*Don't stand in one place too long if you're Gunning him.
*In Rage Mode, all of Khezu's attacks are stronger. Plus, he will have an
"Electric Coat" on for a lot of his attacks.
*Learn the blind spots Khezu has when using certain attacks. Exploit that
weakness then go for the kill.

When Khezu picks up and heads to Area 3, you know that he's almost down for
the count. Apply the capturing strategy and you've caught him. Nuff said.

(All credit of that video goes to KaizerMH2 of YouTube)

Deocricius wrote:
Honestly, you can use the same tactics as Blangonga, except replace Wyvern
Blade "Fall" with Bone Katana "Shark".

Take 3 Shock Traps, 3 LBB's, and 1 SBB.
Use Bone Katana "Shark", and attack him in the head and side/leg area. Use
your Traps as desired. After a while of combat, he should go into rage mode.
Now is the time to attack with care. After a while more of combat, he should
start to limp away. Track him down, and wait for him to go to sleep. Use two
Large Bombs on his head, but don't make the detonation of the Small Bomb wake
him up. If this doesn't kill him, attack him until he is dead.

[5.3] Elder ***
[5.3.1] ~Blango Slaying Tactics~
Mission: Slay 10 Blango

[5.3.2] ~The Lurking Desert Giant~
Mission: Hunt the Daimyo Hermituar

It's Hammer Time! That's right, we meet our first giant crap monster. Nah, it
ain't no Gaoren. Daimyo Hermituar has big claws, and an almost unbreakable
shell. You have two easy choices, by now if you've been working your way
through Longswords, you should have a Thunder Element Longsword. That works
well. If Longswords aren't your thing (like me) then get a Hammer. Hammers are
cherished by the community as a valuable weapon.

Once you've chosen your weapon take the mission and head to Area 3 (or 9
depending if you're facing two of them.) Later on during the HR4+ Quests
you'll need a very valuable item that can be acquired from Daimyo Hermituar.
The Monoblos Heart. Why not just take it from a Monoblos? Well, according to
Kawakami_Hanabi's Carving guide it is indeed faster to get if off a Hermituar.
For now don't bother with this, since we cannot acquire Monoblos Hearts from
Elder Hermituar's.

Hermituar Armor makes good beginning lancing armor for starting

Сообщение отредактировано 10 июля 2008 22:16. Редактировалось 1 раз(а)
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #7 Добавлено: 8 июля 2008 14:49    


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Kut-Ku Shell - покопаться в джунглях в лагере (наверху под улием) если не хочешь убивать, а так иди мочи Kut-Ku.
Flame Sac - падает с Kut-Ku.
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #8 Добавлено: 8 июля 2008 12:13    


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Купи или сделай сам: мух покомбинируй
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #9 Добавлено: 8 июля 2008 12:00    


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Sushifish - идёшь в 1 локацию, берёшь удочку и ловишь рыбок (бежишь вдоль берега и смотришь когда исчезнет крест на удочке - там и ловишь пока не получится).
Спасибо за пост: 1 Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #10 Добавлено: 8 июля 2008 11:49    


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Ферма - Pokke Farm (вход недалеко от дома или домой, квадрат, Pokke Farm).
Сачок - Bone + Net или у бабульки (ещё свинья рядом бегает) или у вендора в лавке.
Pokke Points можно у Мужика С Рюкзаком менять на апгрэйду на ферму или всякие вещи.
Sushifish - только рыбалкой, ничего комбинировать не надо.

Сообщение отредактировано 8 июля 2008 11:53. Редактировалось 1 раз(а)
Спасибо за пост: 2 Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #11 Добавлено: 7 июля 2008 18:08    


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Все *кристал: берёшь кирку, идёшь в горы, долбишь трещины, получаешь руду.
Можно ковырять и на ферме.
Пелт и хайд выбиваешь с их обладателей.
Баги - опять же ферма или сачок-->горы-->светящиеся точки над землёй-->юзай сачок.
Спасибо за пост: 1 Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #12 Добавлено: 6 июля 2008 20:49    


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Для больших боссов(если так можно назвать боссов у элдера до 6 звезды) надо делать специальное оружие (если хочешь получить максимальный эффект).
Каждый из них чего-то да боится. Кто-то Water-урона, кто-то Thunder, Ice, Fire, Dragon.

В соответствии с этим выбираешь оружие:









Сообщение отредактировано 6 июля 2008 21:01. Редактировалось 3 раз(а)
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #13 Добавлено: 6 июля 2008 20:19    


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Бланго - это такие белые макаки, водятся в горах (как правило в верхних локациях).
Оружие? Это кому как. Мне удобней с катаной, мечом и щитом, иногда хожу с двумя мечами.
А так приходится ходить и со всем остальным (трейнинги иначе не сделать).
Спасибо за пост: 1 Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #14 Добавлено: 5 июля 2008 23:18    


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Где тренировка с 'combine' там надо получить Potion. Смешиваешь Blue Mushroom (3 локация) + Herb (1-я).


ты наверное проходишь тренинг для новичков. посмотри, что нужно принести и сколько, нажав start(quest info). если это стейк, то выбегаешь в локацию, убиваешь *корову*(popo или aptonoth), вырезаешь 2 раза тебе надо raw meat. зажав R, квадратом или кругом выбираешь барбекьюшницу и отпустив R жмёшь на квадрат. персонаж начинает жарить мясо под музыку. далее, кому - как : либо 4,5 оборота, либо на счёт 2 после окончания музыки - well done steak. 4 оборота или сразу после окончания музыки - rare steak.
набрав нужное число, надо подбежать к красному ящику и нажать нолик

Флейта будет только на настоящих квэстах (у бабульки и в гильдии).
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #15 Добавлено: 3 июля 2008 08:47    


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Флэшки 5 , Флэшбаги 10 и бомб материал 10.
просадил флэшки - флэшбаг + бомб материал = флешбомб.
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #16 Добавлено: 2 июля 2008 19:44    


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Забей на блангонгу, я мочил в генпреях с дэвил слайсером (а лучше с велосидром байт).
Бери побольше флэшэк(5), флэшбагов(10), бомб материал(10), + макс потион и прочее хилево.
Кидаешь отравленные ножи(все) и бьёшь строго по голове. Вот в общем то и всё.
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #17 Добавлено: 1 июля 2008 21:10    


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Я имел ввиду патчи на английский.
А выше не найти!
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #18 Добавлено: 30 июня 2008 22:41    


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Так ктонть скинет что нужно качать и где для MHF2G?
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #19 Добавлено: 24 июня 2008 17:11    


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В контакт киньте ссылки на всё нужное, id9158282.
Заранее спасибо.

Сообщение отредактировано 24 июня 2008 17:12. Редактировалось 1 раз(а)
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #20 Добавлено: 24 июня 2008 08:33    


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А есть Monster Hunter 2G на английском(полностью)?
Если да, то напишиде где его скачать. А то тоже поиграть охота, а то на японском ничего не понятно!
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #21 Добавлено: 22 июня 2008 20:28    


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Сам не дошёл, но может быть это белый фаталис.
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #22 Добавлено: 21 июня 2008 20:45    


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Спасибо, всё получилось. Лао удрал в 00.00.
А как теперь его убить?
Fire Dragonsword сойдёт?
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #23 Добавлено: 19 июня 2008 19:49    


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Подскажите как мочить Лао-Шана (HR4-HR5)?
В какой броне и с каким оружием.
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #24 Добавлено: 4 июня 2008 21:23    


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А есть у кого-нибудь ссылка на первый MH?
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #25 Добавлено: 11 апреля 2008 01:07    


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Pitt, Deada.

Спасибо, что рассказали. И ещё вопрос: с каким оружием и бронёй идти на Лао? И можно ли с катаной? И ещё что-нибудь про тактику на него.
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #26 Добавлено: 10 апреля 2008 04:38    


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Расскажите кто с чем и как делал квэсты на HR4 (диаблос, гравиос, ратхиан и ратхалос).
И где достать Carbalite Ore? И
с какого ХР майнинг спот +2?
И ещё что-то говорилось про сходку в Питере?

Сообщение отредактировано 10 апреля 2008 04:43. Редактировалось 1 раз(а)
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #27 Добавлено: 18 марта 2008 16:08    


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Скажите ктонть с чем тигрекса в первый раз валить? И в каком сете?
И то же самое про кушалу даора.
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #28 Добавлено: 26 февраля 2008 13:17    


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Как лучше вкачивать dual blade и катану? И какие лучше делать?

Добавлено спустя 9 минут 28 секунд:

Как лучше вкачивать dual blade и катану? И какие лучше делать?
Ссылка на пост Тема: "Monster Hunter Freedom 2 и Freedom Unite" #29 Добавлено: 25 февраля 2008 16:37    


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Народ! Расскажите кто-нибудь поподробней как убить Khezu (квэст у бабульки). Я уже запарился его мочить.

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты 55 секунд:

Народ! Расскажите кто-нибудь поподробней как убить Khezu (квэст у бабульки). Я уже запарился его мочить.

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